Hi..my name is Gail and I love to write, paint and make things...especially my little handstitched mice!

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

The Happy Sweetheart Mice!

Hello again - as promised I am actually trying to post more regularly on the blog!  Today I have a picture of a little wedding couple - the Sweetheart Mice!  They were such fun to make - I particularly love her little lace veil and his top hat!  I was asked to make them for a friend's daughter - but I hope to get more orders for them, as they are just delightful to work on. ( If you want to order mice just send me an email to rosebudlane@gmail.com and I will come back to you.) I have also started several boards on Pinterest, until my name, Gail Bussi.
Enjoy! And I hope to be back soon with more additions to the mice family.
Blessings to you all.....
Gail xx

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Hi to all...I cannot believe it is now well over a year since I last posted anything on my blog.  It has been a difficult journey over the past 18 months, culminating in the sudden death of James, my partner, just before Christmas last year.  But life must go on, and I am trying to remain strong and positive, as he would have wished!

I am starting to make mice again, and have developed some new characters, which I will showcase on this blog, and also on my Facebook page.  I also have some other plans for the mice, including cards, calendars, fabric designs and - hopefully! - a children's book featuring Camomile, the little teapot mouse.

This is Billy, who is great friends with all the birds and loves to make birdhouses for them

Enjoy and be safe... I hope to be back soon with more little creatures!

Angel blessings to you all...
