Hi..my name is Gail and I love to write, paint and make things...especially my little handstitched mice!

Tuesday, 31 October 2017


Well...that's a word I made up, combining two of my favourite things...mandalas and dreamcatchers! I wanted to make a little painted hanging that combined elements of both these design icons, and obviously use beads and feathers as a finishing touch. I am happy with the results of the ones I have created so far, and also received positive feedback from friends and customers...hope you enjoy them too (and apologies for the less than great photos!)...blessings...Gail xxx

Thursday, 26 October 2017

My new little book!

I have just had the first copies of my new little book - 'How to Live a Simply Art-Full Life' published; it's just a small book, 36 pages in all, completely handwritten and illustrated (in my usual style) - and I am very happy with it. It was such a joy to create, and I hope people out there will also find it a grace in their lives...perhaps one day it will even be picked up by a 'regular' publisher and appear in full colour!

Should anyone want more information about ordering this book from me, please leave a comment or message me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.  Blessings and have a creative day...Gail xxx

Monday, 11 September 2017

More heartmade....

I have been painting up a storm just lately (and neglecting the mice a little bit, which they are not too happy about!) These are two of my other little painted wooden hangings (or dangles!) - the heart one is kind of near and dear to me, because I just love owls (and all birds, really); the caravan dangle is for some friends who just love their little 'house on wheels'. All these pieces are also available to order, and can be personalised if you like - just send me a email if you are interested. Happy Monday to all...Gail xxx

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Heartmade by Gail...

In addition to my mice I also am doing lots of painting in my fairly whimsical style...and am creating cards, journals and little painted wire hangings on wood, trimmed with fabric.  Here is one of my latest creations, done as a gift for a very old and dear friend...she loves it and already has asked for more, for some of her other friends!  Being creative is so important to me...and I think to so many of us, it's healthy and life enhancing on every level. Someone asked me the other day why I do so many different things - well, apart from having a very low boredom threshold! - I just really like to create and make things. My head is so full of ideas and there aren't enough hours in the day to actually do all the painting, stitching and writing I love...but that's a good problem to have. At least I don't get bored!  Gail xxx

Camomile's teapot...

Well, Camomile's little story book (with recipes!) is finally here...all the creation of her little mouse paws (with a little help from the other mice and me!) If you would like a copy, please leave a comment here and I will get back to you (or send me an email at: rosebudlane@gmail.com. (If people order 3 or more mice they will get a copy absolutely free).

Happy weekend to all..and mouse xxx Gail

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Les Souris de Rosebud Lane!

The mice are happy to report that they are now appearing in a new book, published in France, called 'Les Souris de Rosebud Lane' - which means that it is possible to make your own mice, too. (The book is in French, obviously, but if you buy it an English translation of the instructions is available from me, in pdf format). (And Camomile's little tea and baking book will be rolling off the press soon..keep watching this space!) Mouse kisses and blessings....xxx

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Christmas is coming early to Rosebud Lane...

Well, it might only be August, but these mice are already gearing up for the festive season - actually, they are going to be featured in a holiday advertorial. So Mr and Mrs Christmouse and their old friend Snowmouse are all prepared, with their gifts wrapped and ready...wish we could all be as organised as these mice!

Friday, 2 June 2017

Delicious news from the Lane!

Back after another too-long absence...but with good news. Miss Camomile would like it to be known that she is finally getting down to writing her book, which tells the story of her little teashop and bakery, and also includes some of her favourite recipes! The book, which is hand written and illustrated, will be available soon to buy right here...so keep an eye out for that.  Mouse hugs and kisses....xxx